
image5211They came from Europe:  Swedes, Norwegians, German Russians, Italians, along with Americans from the Midwest and the Eastern United States.  Migrant farm workers would come later from Mexico and southern U.S. states to help.  The hope of owning their own land drew them here to face harsh weather conditions and backbreaking work in order to make it happen. Many of the first settlers failed and others took their place or the neighbors increased the acreage of their own place.  Banderobs, Hoffebers, Ohlins, Coxs, Oblanders, and Harkness are some of those who came here to make a better life.  Ron Ohlin retold a story about his grandmother who regretted leaving her home in Europe.  She had a nice home with friends and relatives close by.  His grandfather picked up a pinch of dirt and told her, “In the old country I couldn’t even own this much land.”  Imagine today if you were given 40 acres of land, free.  It would be worth somewhere between a quarter and a half million dollars.  They knew it was more than they could ever imagine.  But it took blood, sweat and tears to make the land what it is today.  The previous image reflects the excitement of 1907 when the Huntley Project Irrigation Project was opened.

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